Friday, July 29, 2016

Understanding the Utah Office of Recovery Services

The Office of Recovery Services (ORS) is an agency situated within the Utah Department of Human Services. The workplace was developed as a state program in the 1970s. In 1976, ORS became the designated state child support enforcement institution with the 1975 enactment of Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. ORS administers the State Child Assistance, Children in Care and Medicaid Healing Programs.

What Does the Utah ORS Do?

The objective of the Utah ORS is to serve kids and households by promoting independence through accountable being a parent and to ensure public funds are used properly. This decreases expenses to public support programs. ORS deals with moms and dads, companies, federal, state and private agencies, professional associations, community supporters, the legal occupation and other stakeholders and customers in a reliable and courteous manner. ORS works within the bounds of state and federal laws and restricted resources.

These include services on behalf of children and households in getting financial and medical support, through finding parents, establishing paternity and support responsibilities, and imposing those commitments when needed. They provide services to repay the state for costs of supporting kids put in its care and/or custody, by getting monetary and medical assistance, through finding moms and dads, establishing paternity and assistance responsibilities, and implementing those commitments when necessary, including collection of medical reimbursement from responsible third parties to both reimburse and avoid state Medicaid costs.

Utah ORS Stats

  • Utah has in between 70,000 and 80,000 kid assistance cases. ORS serves approximately 130,000 kids.
  • ORS collected over $255 million in 2015.
  • Kid assistance collections totaled over $217 million. Of that amount, over $207.7 million was dispersed to children and households, and over $9 million was dispersed to reimburse State and Federal governments for Temporary Support for Needy Families (TANF).
  • Over $4.3 million was dispersed to the Department of Human Solutions on behalf of Children in the State's care.
  • Over $33.1 million was collected on behalf of the Department of Health, Medicaid.
  • Social Security collections topped $719,000.
  • The state's share of collections amounted to over $2.67 million and was gone back to the General Fund.
  • The percentage of kid assistance cases with assistance orders established was 87.7%.
  • Paternity is an unresolved problem in just 3.8% of all kid assistance cases.
  • ORS validated insurance coverage on 404,388 Medicaid Recipients, helping to prevent more than $183 million in Medicaid expenses.

Utah Child Support Attorneys

Located in downtown Salt Lake City, the offices of Schmidt & Gladstone are backed by skilled attorneys who've represented Utah for over 18 years in family law including however not limited to: divorce, adoption, custody, and kid assistance disagreements, and other practice areas

Consulting with our company insures that you are getting the very best legal recommendations for your scenario. Our innovative, fast thinking, legal minds empower you with the tools necessary to make educated choices for you and your household. Contact us here today for a free 30-minute consultation.

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